This commercial system seems to choose
the easy way by proposing people that are
already famous or sure to be profitable
musicians. thus, there is a certain anti-cultural
formatting. the people that get chosen are
those who resemble something that have
already proven some success « the music
market rests on the public's taste », and its
taste is itself shaped by the market. Betrand
Ricard would say that the system tends to
lower the bar for the public.
208919 315131351839112 19251920513 1955
1319 2015 381515195 2085 511925 23125 225
1618151615199147 1651516125 208120 1185
1121851425 6113152119 1518 1921185 2015 2
5 161815692012125 13211993911419 2082119
2085185 919 1 3518201914 114209-321122021
18112 6151813120209147. 2085 1651516125 2
08120 7520 381519514 1185 20815195 23815
185195132125 19151352089147 208120 81225
1121851425 16181522514 1915135 192133519
19 2085 13211993 1311811520 185192019 151
4 2085 16212129319 20119205 1144 92019 201
19205 919 920195126 19811654 225 2085 1311
811520. 2520181144 18931184 231521124 1912
5 208120 2085 19251920513 20514419 2015 12
1523518 2085 2118 61518 2085 162121293